
Language Learning Books

Results 21 - 40 of 163
Schöllmann, Steffen

Lernwortschatz Fußball

Arabisch – Deutsch

13.0 x 18.0 cm, 56 p., paperback / softback
6,95 €

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Das Werk bietet erstmals den neuhocharabischen Fußball-Wortschatz umfassend dar, der bisher in Forschung und...

Schoeler, Gregor; Mogtader, Youssef

Turandot Die persische Märchenerzählung

Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 192 p., hardback
39,80 €

The story of Turandot is one of the most famous and influential tales from the Islamic Orient. It has been reflected in numerous artistic adaptations as well as in popular...

Schröter, Ulrich

Biblisches Hebräisch

Textorientiertes Lehrbuch

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 388 p., paperback / softback
49,00 €

Part I presents at an very early stage a wide choice of proverbs and texts. The first emphases stimulates the fluency of reading, because if you readi a text again and again you...

Schröter, Ulrich

Biblisches Hebräisch


17.0 x 24.0 cm, 132 p., paperback / softback
15,90 €

Students often mourn complain about the unfamilianrity of semitic languages. This key vocabulary of about 900 words contains– names and places are not included – will overcome...

Berivan , Isabella

Key Vocabulary Kurdish

13.0 x 18.0 cm, 144 p., paperback / softback
19,90 €

Key Vocabulaty Kurdish and Key Vocabulary Kurdish Audio offers an ideal entry into Kurdish. The vocabulary is grouped by topic. In the INFO boxes you will find helpful local...

Fähnrich, Heinz

Die Kartwelier

Grundsprache Kultur Lebensraum

14.8 x 21.0 cm, 384 p., paperback / softback
39,90 €

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Aufbauend auf verschiedenen Publikationen, die der Autor in den letzten Jahren verfaßt bzw. mitverfaßt hat...

Yu, Yueh-Ping

„Falsche Zwillinge“ im Chinesischen

Scheinsynonyme bei Verben und Adjektiven

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 192 p., paperback / softback
24,95 €

The Dictionary of false twins is about so‐called "bogus synonyms" (近义词 jìnyìcí) in Chinese, i.e. the
words meanings are similar, but not identical. The conceptual differences...

Hoogland, Jan
Translated by: Müller, Heidar


Ein Lehrbuch zum Selbststudium und Unterricht

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 464 p., paperback / softback
59,00 €

With this text book anyone can learn to speak and understand Moroccan Arabic. No foreknowledge of Arabic is needed, just the motivation to learn the language. The course aims at...

Liesner, Malte

Griechisch – Arbeitsbuch zur historischen Phonologie

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 124 p., paperback / softback
19,90 €

This book covers he phonological development from Proto-Indo-European to Attic Greek. It is a user-friendly and accessible resource in which all explanations are accompanied by...

Liesner, Malte

Greek – Historical Phonology Workbook

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 124 p., paperback / softback
19,90 €

This book uses modern methods of adult education in the field of historical linguistics. It presents a variety of tasks, easy-to-understand exercises and work instructions as well...

de Oliveira Frank, Glória

Ein Weihnachtsrätsel. Um Enigma de Natal

Text- und Übungsheft mit Audiodatei für den Portugiesisch–Unterricht

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 32 p., paperback / softback
12,90 €

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Weihnachten nähert sich und der Weihnachtsmann ist besorgt: die Geschenke sind nicht ganz fertig. Es fehlen die...

Delshad, Farshid

Textbuch modernes Persisch

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 336 p., hardback
39,90 €

The Textbook Modern Persian contains thirty selected readings about contemporary Iran from various disciplinary perspectives. Each chapter of the book includes an introduction to...

Pourtskhvanidze, Zakharia

Fokuspartikeln und Wortstellung im Georgischen

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 224 p., hardback
69,00 €

The topic of the book is the so called “Focus particles” and their interaction with the word order regularities in Georgian, as the most prominent representative of the south...

Series: Folia Caucasica Volume: 2
Berivan , Isabella

Kurdisch Grundwortschatz

13.0 x 18.0 cm, 144 p., paperback / softback
19,90 €

The Kurdish basic vocabulary offers more than 1,600 words, an extensive selection of the most common words and sayings in Kurdish. The basic vocabulary is well-arranged and...

Editor: Gippert, Jost; Tandaschwili, Manana

Der Recke im Tigerfell

Schota Rusthaweli. Ein altgeorgisches Poem. Deutsche Nachdichtung von Hugo Huppert

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 264 p., cloth
29,90 €

Shota Rustaveli’s „Knight in the Tiger’s Skin“ is regarded as the national epic of the Georgians. As a work of the early 13th century, it connects in an impressive way ideas of...

Aguicenoglu, Hüseyin

Türkisch Lehrbuch Grammatik

Mit Übungen und Lösungsschlüssel

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 248 p., paperback / softback
19,90 €

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Diese allgemeine Einführung in das moderne Türkisch versteht sich in erster Linie als ein...

Incekan, Abdullah

Compact Kurdish - Kurmanji

Textbook with Exercises, Key and Audio−CD

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 276 p., paperback / softback
29,90 €

This text book systematically provides the basis of the Kurdish language (Kurmanji) in a practice-oriented format in 19 chapters. Each chapter consists of an authentic text,...

Liesner, Malte

Latin Historical Phonology Workbook

21.0 x 29.7 cm, 128 p., paperback / softback
19,90 €

This book has been designed for students of Latin and Indo-European-Linguistics and can be used for university-courses or self-study in order to learn the complex issues of Latin...

de Oliveira Frank, Glória

Das Abenteuer eines Regentropfens. A Aventura de um Pingo de Chuva

Text- und Übungsheft für den Portugiesisch-Unterricht

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 32 p., mixed media product
14,90 €

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Diese Geschichte richtet sich an alle Portugiesisch-Lernenden, die ca. zwei Jahre Portugiesisch gelernt haben...

Neumann, Rosemarie; Sahin-Schmidt, Zühre

Übungsbuch Nebensätze Türkisch

Objektsätze, Subjektsätze, Relativsätze

17.0 x 24.0 cm, 432 p., paperback / softback
59,90 €

The “Workbook Turkish Subordinate Clauses” gives a thorough introduction to Turkish subordinate clauses (object clauses, subject clauses, and relative clauses), accompanied by...